jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Festival of the tree: learning and implementing

Last week we took part at "Festival of the tree", organised by the Transition Tavira Movement and the Terramada Association (Portugal, SW Europe). The Festival was en excellent oportunity for know people who is working from the transition and the permaculture toward a more Nature linked comunity. In this case in Tavira, but also in several parts of the South Europe and North África. And specially in Asia, Central América and África, thanks to the very wellcomen presence of Aviram Rozin (www.sadhanaforest.org).

  • The program in Red Araña last March the 14th.

Balsa con Vertivert, planta filtradora
Barreras hechas con podas de acacia, para frenar la erosión y provocar la captura de agua en el subsuelo (al estilo de los biorrollos que Luciano Furcas utiliza)

Baño seco de uso puntual.